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Artisan circus, between knowledge and intuition

I was born in Esparreguera on April 23, 1970. I began my professional career in 1994 in a self-taught way.

Throughout my career I have made numerous collaborations, in shows such as Arran, at the Circ Cric (1998), Utopista, by Monti & Cía. (1999), A Banda, Winter Circus of Ateneu Popular 9Barris (2000), Tranuites (TNC, 2007) and Wasteland (Mercat de les Flors, Festival Grec, 2013), both created and directed by Lluís Dánes, El col·leccionista de paisatges (Caixafòrum, 2008, directed by Xavier Erra), or La llum d’un país (Gran Teatre del Liceu, 2024, directed by Sergi Corbera), among others.

First creations

The shows Genuinos Imperfectos, Locomotivo and Plecs were born in my first stage, where I mutated from a demonstrative and graphic circus to a more conceptual and suggestive style.

With Cristina Solé and Kike Aguilera we founded the company Circo Imperfecto and created the show Genuinos Imperfectos (2000). Alone, and a result from the company Solo Manolo, I created the show Locomotivo (2005). Along with my friend, and close collaborator, Xavier Erra, we created Plecs (2010).

Emotional trilogy

In 2014 I created Cia Manolo Alcántara, which has seen the birth of Rudo (2014), Déjà vu (2019) and Maña (2022), so far.

All my creations start from an inner search. In my latest creations, the choices are by proximity to me, with my fears, successes, anguish and delusions. A choice that mimics myself with my loved ones. An emotional trilogy, my father, my mother and my son, which corresponds to Rudo, Déjà Vu and Maña. A choice that articulates the past and the present.

Currently I like to choreograph any daily action with a circus gaze, determined to expand the boundaries of contemporary circus.

Awards and recognitions

National Circus Award 2021, given by the Ministry of Culture

Maña, Cía Manolo Alcántara
Most Innovative Show Award at TAC Valladolid (2022)
Susana Herreras Award at ARCA Festival – Aguilar de Campoó (2022)

Déjà Vu, Cía Manolo Alcántara
FETEN Award for Best Adaptation of Circus Techniques to New Drama (2021)
Audience Award at MIT Ribadavia (2021)

Rudo, Cía Manolo Alcántara
Award for Best Street Show at Umore Azoka Festival in Leioa (2014)
Zirkólika Award for Best Indoor Circus Show (2014)
FETEN Award for Best Show FETEN Nights (2015)

Plecs, Enfila’t
FAD Sebastià Gasch Award for Paratheatrical Arts (2010)
Zirkòlika Award for Best Circus Show (2010)
Award for Best Show at the Autumn International Theater Festival – FIOT (2011)

Locomotivo, Cia Solo Manolo
Aplaudiment (Applause) Sebastià Gasch (2006)

Genuinos Imperfectos, Circo Imperfecto
Award for Best Street Show of FiraTàrrega (2001)
Aplaudiment (Applause) Sebastià Gasch (2001)

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